October is energy action month

October is energy action month

The U.S. Department of Energy has named October Energy Action Month, asking federal agencies to highlight efforts to save energy throughout government, while encouraging the public to do the same. At GenFlex, we like to think of every month as an energy action month – our roofing products contribute to more energy-efficient schools, offices, factories and more.   For example, GenFlex polyiso insulation boards deliver a higher R-value per...

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Technology brings mobility to construction industry

Technology brings mobility to construction industry

For better or worse, our smartphones and other devices have made multi-tasking mandatory for many of us.  Whether it’s returning an e-mail in the grocery aisle or writing a proposal in the doctor’s waiting room, our ‘office’ is wherever we happen to be – and the construction industry is no different.   For example, more and more construction professionals are doing research on the go: The use of mobile devices has jumped...

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Planning for harsh weather: Part 2

Planning for harsh weather: Part 2

In our last blog post, we lamented the fact that meteorologists are predicting an early return to winter weather across large portions of the country.  That means another tough season for wear-and-tear on commercial buildings – and an opportunity for roofing professionals to help facility managers plan ahead now.   A close-up inspection of the roof can keep today’s small punctures, damaged flashings or torn seams from turning into...

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It’s not too early to plan for harsh weather, starting at the top: Part 1

It’s not too early to plan for harsh weather, starting at the top: Part 1

For many of us, last winter is still a recent – and unpleasant – memory.  But as we head into fall, it’s already time to start planning for another blast of icy reality across much of the country.  Forecasters are predicting another visit from the dreaded ‘Polar Vortex’ across the Midwest and Northeast as soon as September, and the Rockies could also be in line for earlier-than-usual snowfalls.  And even though the South may avoid...

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As kids head back to school, GenFlex puts roofing on the lesson plan

As kids head back to school, GenFlex puts roofing on the lesson plan

As hard as it is to believe, fall is here – across the country, most kids have finished mourning the end of summer vacation and have settled into the routine of a new school year.   For more than 14 million students in our K-12 public schools, the fall semester means coming back to a building that doesn’t meet basic construction codes, is overcrowded, or both.  As parents, this is cause for alarm – as part of the commercial roofing...

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Welcome to the GenFlex Roofing blog, a new resource for our customers and business partners – this is where you'll find product updates, our take on industry news, and helpful information on issues from safety regulations to the latest building codes.   GenFlex has been a partner for commercial roofers for more than three decades.  Our customers include large multi-state firms and local contractors with a small crew and big plans;...

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Press Release: June 17, 2013

GenFlex Roofing Systems Unveils New Branding at the Western Roofing Expo   Indianapolis, Ind., June 17, 2013 – GenFlex, a brand with a 30-year heritage in the roofing industry, unveiled a new look and messaging at the Western States Roofing Contractors Association’s Western Roofing Expo in Reno, Nev.   With an updated logo, revised color scheme and redesigned trade show booth, GenFlex rolled out its new brand to roofing contractors...

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