Women’s Equality Day

Women’s Equality Day

Since August is a month that, among other things, honors women with National Women’s Equality Day, GenFlex would like to applaud women who have chosen a career in construction and roofing.  Saying that women have come a long way in the construction industry is the absolute truth.   Annie McEvoy writes in her article, The history of women in the construction industry, and how far they have come, “One of the first documented women in...

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First Half of 2017 and a Look Forward

First Half of 2017 and a Look Forward

As we head into the second half of 2017, let’s review how the year has stacked up so far.   According to the U.S. Census Bureau, construction spending for the first four months of the year was $359.5 billion, 5.8 percent above the $339.7 billion for the same period in 2016. If we just look at April’s monthly construction spending, it indicates a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $1.21 trillion. If that number holds true, 2017 will...

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Benefits of a Heat-Welded System

Benefits of a Heat-Welded System

As we all know, “heat-welded roofs” refer to the seams of a roofing membrane that have been fused together with the application of heat. Single-ply thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) membranes, including GenFlex’s TPO, are typically used. GenFlex EZ TPO and EZ TPO Peel & Stick™ HW are heat-welded roofing membranes made of high‑quality thermoplastic polyolefin. They are excellent choices regardless of configuration, usage, slope,...

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A Brief History of TPO

A Brief History of TPO

Beginning in the 1960s, prior to the introduction of Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) in the US market, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) was the single-ply thermoplastic roofing system that was mainly used. PVC was known for its versatility since it could be molded to fit varying roof structures and could withstand chemical, light and temperature corrosion. However, PVC includes plasticizer additives to give it more flexibility, so after years of use, the...

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Continuing Education Resources

Continuing Education Resources

For many of us, school or college days are just fond memories of the past. However, that doesn’t mean we can stop learning.  As a commercial roofing business owner or someone working in the industry, the importance of continuing education in our changing industry should be recognized. While it is easy to become set in one’s ways, especially if you have been successful in the past, the industry is growing and changing and becoming more...

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Q1 2017 Construction Industry Performance

Q1 2017 Construction Industry Performance

Employment in the construction industry for the first two months in 2017 was up over the same months in 2016, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) report. New hires in January was up 92,000, and in February they were up 22,000 over last year’s numbers. The construction industry added a total of 756,000 new hires in the first two months.   March numbers are also looking great. The...

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Spring Roof Inspection

Spring Roof Inspection

April showers bring…roof leaks? Not how you remember it? Well it is true, and it is especially possible if you don’t perform your spring roof inspection. Winter takes its toll on a roof. Freeze-thaw cycles, heavy snow loads, hail, and ice can really cause damage. Even if you live in a warm climate where cold-weather damage is not a worry, spring is a good time to have your roof inspected so you are ready for the stormy season...

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