Walkway Pads: Protection for Your Roofing Investment

Walkway Pads: Protection for Your Roofing Investment

It is sometimes assumed that since workers aren’t on a roof every day that worrying about how your roof handles foot traffic is not important. However, today more than ever, roofs are experiencing more foot traffic than you may realize. The typical building rooftop is becoming a crowded place. Technology such as Wi-Fi antennas, satellite and microwave dishes, cell phone communication equipment and solar panels have joined HVAC systems, pipes,...

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Preparing for Tropical Storms

Preparing for Tropical Storms

Just because it is November does not mean you no longer have to worry about hurricanes. As Yogi Berra said, “It ain't over till it's over.” In fact, the official Atlantic hurricane season lasts until November 30. The month of November has had some significant hurricanes including the Cuba hurricane in 1932, a Category 5; Hurricane Lenny in 1999, a Category 4; Kate in 1985, Hurricane Paloma in 2008, and Ida in 2009.   Karen Clark &...

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Ballasted Roofs Are Cool!

Ballasted Roofs Are Cool!

You may not think that a roofing system developed almost fifty years ago could be environmentally friendly. While it’s true not many people were thinking green back then, it turns out ballasted roofs are indeed eco-friendly and worth a look.   Ballasted roofs consist of thermal insulation boards (such as the GenFlex Polyiso product), EPDM single‑ply membrane (such as GenFlex FRM EPDM or AFR EPDM), and are topped with smooth,...

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Smart Roofs

Smart Roofs

As a facility manager, would you like to be notified immediately by text or e-mail if a roof leak is developing, or that the snow load on your roof is becoming dangerous, or how about if a roof drain is blocked? Well, it is all possible with a smart roof. A smart roof uses electronic sensors to detect a problem. The sensors are connected to an electronic control panel. Some systems are stand-alone systems and others integrate with your Building...

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Solar Panel Installation Considerations

Solar Panel Installation Considerations

Solar panels are becoming more and more prevalent, and maybe you have been tasked with having some installed on your building. However, like with anything else, it is wise to do some research up front. While examining competing solar technologies to determine what will work best, also consider the impact of installing solar panels on your rooftop.   There are four primary methods of attaching solar panels: Ballasted—Panels are held in...

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Fall Protection

Fall Protection

In April 2016, a 24-year old roofing worker died on the job due to the failure of his employer to have adequate fall protection and training, according to federal investigators. Unfortunately, he was not alone. Falls are the leading cause of death in the construction industry. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the fatal work injury rate for roofers in 2014 was 46.2 per 100,000 full-time equivalent (FTE) workers.   The...

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Heading Into Q4 2016

Heading Into Q4 2016

Heading into Q4 2016, we look to see how the construction industry has performed. Let’s look at the latest numbers from the Value of Construction Put in Place Survey (VIP) by the U.S. Census Bureau, which provides monthly estimates of the total dollar value of construction work done in the U.S.   The current numbers are for July 2016. Total construction spending was down ever so slightly at $1.153175 trillion from 1.15352 trillion in...

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