Few issues in construction are more important than protecting the project—and the people involved in it—from fire damage and injury. Fire officials and construction experts, along with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), designate the month of October every year to boost public education efforts, including those targeting the construction industry.
According to an NFPA report, Fires in Structures under Construction, there were 3,750 fires in structures under construction from 2010-2014. Approximately 2,500 of those fires were under major renovations, and 2,130 were in sites being demolished. These fires resulted in 9 deaths, 132 civilian injuries, and $310 million in direct property damage. Additionally, the US Fire Administrations’ Construction Site Fires study reports that firefighters face a higher rate of injury at construction site fires and are more likely to be injured fighting those fires than fires in general.
Actions to Take
Construction site fires are a serious concern for roofing contractors, and can easily be overlooked with all of the other risks, regulations and safety codes that need to be top of mind. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, the leading materials ignited in construction site fires are trash. One simple thing that can be done is to ensure that trash and waste materials are disposed of properly. Also, every employee, contractor and building occupant should know the escape routes for the particular site where they are working. The 2017 Fire Prevention Week theme is “Every Second Counts. Plan 2 Ways Out!” This should be taken to heart.
Safer Materials
GenFlex takes the reality of construction fires very seriously. However, even after construction, fires can arise at any time. That’s why GenFlex offers insulation products that help to protect the building far after construction is complete. GenFlex’s highly efficient thermal insulation board options consist of GenFlex Polyiso, Tapered Polyiso, Coated Glass Facer, Composite Polyiso, Nailbase Polyiso and HD ISO – all providing unmatched reliability with impact resistance, fire resistance and ease of handling and installation. It is approved for new construction and for reroofing over steel, wood, noncombustible, and certain types of nailable roof decks. It can be installed as a fully-adhered system, mechanically attached, or ballasted.
According to the Polyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturers Association (PIMA), “Polyiso possesses the highest level of inherent fire resistance due to its unique structure of strong isocyanurate chemical bonds.” PIMA also states that Polyiso is the only foam plastic insulation product approved by both FM Global (FM) and Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) for direct-to-steel-deck application.
When you want to add the extra assurance of fire safety for your next roofing project, contact GenFlex, and we will be able to assist you in choosing the best products for your needs.