
Safety is top priority in commercial roofing

Posted by on November 12, 2014 in Blog, Roofing Safety | Comments Off on Safety is top priority in commercial roofing

Safety is top priority in commercial roofing

Safety is a critical priority across the construction industry; in the commercial roofing trade, where installation happens far above the ground, it’s a constant issue.  Investing in safe roofing practices and programs can save lives, keep projects on time, and help contractors avoid costly liabilities.   The GenFlex Roofing Systems slogan, “Above All,” applies to company values like reliability, durability, and customer service – and along with the rest of the industry, GenFlex recognizes that worker safety must be above all other job site priorities.  GenFlex offers textured walkway pads, yellow safety strip and other accessories to make roofing safer; beyond the use of such products, the company encourages its contractor...

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Economic recovery putting many construction workers back to work

Posted by on November 4, 2014 in Blog, Industry Trends | Comments Off on Economic recovery putting many construction workers back to work

Economic recovery putting many construction workers back to work

While the economic recovery has been uneven, the construction industry is bouncing back – and putting construction professionals back to work. The NRCA cites a recent Bureau of Labor Statistics study that the majority of construction workers who lost their jobs during the recession have been rehired within the industry.   Nearly 400,000 skilled construction workers fell victim to the economic downturn; as of January, 62 percent have been re-employed in construction. Of these, 40 percent have seen their income meet or exceed their pre-recession paychecks; on the employer side, most construction companies are willing to keep increasing pay to attract the right employees.   Skilled workers are the backbone of the construction...

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Commercial construction going strong

Posted by on October 31, 2014 in Blog, Industry Trends | Comments Off on Commercial construction going strong

Commercial construction going strong

With the prime homebuying season in the rearview mirror, the Wall Street Journal reports that U.S. new home sales through August are basically even from a year ago at this time, with the National Association of Home Builders predicting an annual sales increase of just 2-3 percent.   The sluggish pace of residential construction hasn’t been matched in the commercial/industrial market, fortunately. According to Reed Construction Data (now called CMD), growth in non-residential building starts have nearly doubled the pace of new home starts through August (compared to January-August 2013).  Healthy growth in architectural billings and new design contracts over the last four months bodes well for the future of commercial construction...

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October is energy action month

Posted by on October 27, 2014 in Blog, Energy | Comments Off on October is energy action month

October is energy action month

The U.S. Department of Energy has named October Energy Action Month, asking federal agencies to highlight efforts to save energy throughout government, while encouraging the public to do the same. At GenFlex, we like to think of every month as an energy action month – our roofing products contribute to more energy-efficient schools, offices, factories and more.   For example, GenFlex polyiso insulation boards deliver a higher R-value per inch than most comparative roofing insulations; HD ISO board, with an R-value of 2.5, provides better thermal performance than any ½” wood fiber, glass-faced ISO, or glass mat-faced gypsum boards to keep energy from leaking through the roof deck and into the atmosphere.   GenFlex also offers...

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Technology brings mobility to construction industry

Posted by on October 6, 2014 in Blog, Industry Trends | Comments Off on Technology brings mobility to construction industry

Technology brings mobility to construction industry

For better or worse, our smartphones and other devices have made multi-tasking mandatory for many of us.  Whether it’s returning an e-mail in the grocery aisle or writing a proposal in the doctor’s waiting room, our ‘office’ is wherever we happen to be – and the construction industry is no different.   For example, more and more construction professionals are doing research on the go: The use of mobile devices has jumped significantly, from 21% in 2011 to 61% in 2013 for people working in the industry looking for general equipment information, according to a survey conducted by Equipment World.   This survey also revealed a noteworthy increase in the usage of mobile devices to peruse industry news and to view equipment...

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Planning for harsh weather: Part 2

Posted by on September 29, 2014 in Blog, Business, Energy | Comments Off on Planning for harsh weather: Part 2

Planning for harsh weather: Part 2

In our last blog post, we lamented the fact that meteorologists are predicting an early return to winter weather across large portions of the country.  That means another tough season for wear-and-tear on commercial buildings – and an opportunity for roofing professionals to help facility managers plan ahead now.   A close-up inspection of the roof can keep today’s small punctures, damaged flashings or torn seams from turning into tomorrow’s growing leaks, rising energy bills or spreading mold.  Professional roofing contractors are intimately familiar with system specifications, installation, and how a finished system should look and perform.  But even the most seasoned technician may not catch every potential problem.   A...

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