Fall Roof Maintenance


Fall Roof Maintenance

Like it or not, summer is over! Autumn is upon us. On the bright side, fall is a great time for many of us to enjoy the changing foliage, and the cooler weather can be a welcome reprieve from the hot days of summer. Fall is also an important time to inspect your roof. You may choose to perform an inspection yourself or call in a GenFlex Licensed Applicator to conduct a more comprehensive inspection.

Fall inspections are important since they can uncover damage from summer storms, but fall is also a good time to perform needed maintenance to prepare your roof for winter.


What to Look For

You want to look for physical damage to the roof such as cuts, punctures, or tears in the roofing membrane or flashings. For a low-sloped roof, a good time to inspect the roof is about three days after a rain. Examine the roof around vents, skylights, HVAC units and anywhere there is a protrusion through the roof as these areas are susceptible to leaks due to rooftop service activities.  If your roof sees a lot of foot traffic, you may want to consider adding GenFlex Walkway Pads to protect the roofing membrane to and from serviceable rooftop units.

Falling leaves are another good reason for a fall inspection. Leaves, branches, and other debris build up faster than you think, and can clog drains, gutters, downspouts, and roof scuppers. It is important that you remove accumulated debris from these areas to help prevent standing water and damage to the roofing membrane.

Fall roof inspections can also help you discover unwanted plants and other organic growth. This undesirable vegetation can damage the roofing membrane or flashings.


How to Repair a Damaged Roof

If you find damage to the roof or you’re just not sure whether you have a problem, make sure to contact a GenFlex Licensed Applicator to perform their own inspection and make repairs that will keep your warranty in good standing and your building dry! Quickly addressing any issues you find can extend the life of your roof and prevent further damage and leaks.

For more information and specific recommendations for maintaining your GenFlex roof, please see our Owner’s Manual.