POLYISO (Polyisocyanurate) Roofing Insulation

When it comes to roofing, we're on a roll.

Polyiso is one of the most effective and economical insulation products in the roofing industry. Our highly efficient thermal insulation board options – which include GenFlex Polyiso, Tapered Polyiso, Coated Glass Facer, Composite Polyiso, Nailbase Polyiso and HD ISO – combine unmatched reliability with impact resistance, energy savings, fire resistance and ease of handling and installation.


Next Generation

GenFlex’s new formulation of polyiso insulation is now shipping from our Bristol, CT, DeForest, WI, and Youngwood, PA facilities. Our new family of polyisocyanerate insulation is our next generation of product far surpassing the industry average thermal performance at lower temperatures by 17%.  This performance meets the recommended and required ASTM C1289 thermal resistance specifications.  Our insulation insures you have the maximum thermal performance at all temperatures. The new polyiso family includes the following:

To learn more, click here.


GenFlex Polyiso

Perfect for use with virtually all membrane roofing systems, GenFlex Polyiso is a highly efficient thermal insulation board with a polyisocyanurate foam core bonded to fiber-reinforced facers. It is approved for new construction and reroofing over virtually all roof coverings. GenFlex Polyiso is also available in tapered to provide a sloping surface. Tapered polyiso promotes positive drainage for roofing applications.  To learn more about our new formulation, GenFlex GL ISO, click here.

Installation Methods:Insulation adhesive, mechanically attached and loose laid
Standard Size:4′ x 4′ (1.22 m x 1.22 m) and 4′ x 8′ (1.22 m x 2.43 m)
Thickness:½ ” (12.7 mm) to 4.5” 114.3  mm)

Coated Glass Facer 

GenFlex’s Coated Glass Facer is a closed cell polyisocyanurate foam core, bonded chemically to a heavy duty, dimensionally stable, inorganic, double coated glass facer. It is compatible with all roof coverings including GenFlex EPDM and GenFlex EZ TPO Membranes. GenFlex Coated Glass Facer is also available in tapered to provide a sloping surface. To learn more about our new formulation, GenFlex GL ISO, click here.

Installation Methods:Insulation adhesive, mechanically attached and loose laid
Standard Size:4′ x 4′ (1.22 m x 1.22 m) and 4′ x 8′ (1.22 m x 2.43 m), flat or selected tapered
Thickness:1″ (25.4 mm) min. to 4 1/2″ (114.3 mm), flat or selected tapered

GenFlex HD Polyiso 

GenFlex HD Polyiso is a high-density polyiso insulation designed for use anywhere a cover board is required. This high-density polyiso product is a lightweight, yet extremely strong roof insulation that is available in 80 and 120 PSI. To learn more about our new formulation, GenFlex HD ISO, click here.

Installation Methods:Insulation adhesive, mechanically attached and loose laid
Standard Size:4′ x 4′ (1.22 m x 1.22 m) and 4′ x 8′ (1.22 m x 2.43 m)
Thickness:½”-thick (12.7 mm)
Weight:11 lb. per 4’ x 8’ (80 psi)
12 lb. per 4’ x 8’ (1200 psi)

GenFlex Composite Polyiso 

Combines 1/2” of GenFlex HD Polyiso with GenFlex Polysio. It’s factory laminated in a reliable, inline manufacturing process. These two proven products offer higher performance and energy efficiency for modified bitumen, BUR and single ply applications, while saving installation time and labor. To learn more about our new formulation, GenFlex HD Comp, click here.

Installation Methods:Insulation adhesive, mechanically attached and loose laid
Standard Size:4′ x 4′ (1.22 m x 1.22 m) and 4′ x 8′ (1.22 m x 2.43 m)
Thickness:1.5” (38.1 mm) min. to 4 1/2” (114.3 mm)

GenFlex Nailbase Polyiso 

Combines our thermally efficient polyiso insulation with oriented strand board (OSB) to provide a composite panel that protects against accidental puncture, hail up to two inches in diameter and 100 mph winds. It’s also suitable for use with single ply or asphalt membranes, metal roofing and shingles. To learn more about our new formulation, GenFlex NB ISO, click here.

Installation Methods:Insulation adhesive, mechanically attached and loose laid
Standard Size:4′ x 4′ (1.22 m x 1.22 m) and 4′ x 8′ (1.22 m x 2.43 m)
Thickness:1.5” (38.1 mm) min. to 4 1/2” (114.3 mm)


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Vp3 Apartments

VP3 Apartments

Cincinnati, OH