
Two Virginia high schools trust roofing needs to GenFlex

Posted by on February 24, 2015 in Blog, GenFlex News | Comments Off on Two Virginia high schools trust roofing needs to GenFlex

Two Virginia high schools trust roofing needs to GenFlex

An estimated one third of educational facilities need extensive repairs and renovations, according to the National Center for Education Statistics and U.S. General Accounting Office. School administrators and facility managers are continually looking for best fit solutions for building maintenance needs while meeting long-term durability and operational costs.   Two high schools in Virginia found themselves in need of new roofing systems that could stand up to the test of time, while providing the schools with the added benefits of energy efficiency. They found a reliable partner in GenFlex Roofing Systems.   School administrators from Union High School and Central High School in Southwest Virginia were pushing forward on an...

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Building codes continuously improving energy efficiency standards

Posted by on February 10, 2015 in Blog, Building Codes, Energy | Comments Off on Building codes continuously improving energy efficiency standards

Building codes continuously improving energy efficiency standards

The trend of increasing commercial building energy efficiency is not going away anytime soon. More regulations and building codes are setting new standards for new construction projects. Energy efficiency is important to a building’s long-term maintenance and operating costs, making it extremely important to building owners and facility managers.   In 2014, the Polyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturers Association (PIMA) increased the Long Term Thermal Resistance (LTTR) values of polyiso roof insulation. Changes became a priority after more advanced testing methods were adopted that better predicted thermal performance over time.   The changes to LTTR values came about in order to provide a comprehensive approach resulting in...

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Start planning your tradeshow schedule

Posted by on February 3, 2015 in Blog, GenFlex News | Comments Off on Start planning your tradeshow schedule

Start planning your tradeshow schedule

Tradeshows are the perfect chance for you to learn about new products, attend seminars and conferences and make connections with your favorite roofing companies. We are excited to get this year’s tradeshows started!   Starting with the Chicago Roofing Contractors Association tradeshow, GenFlex was Illinois on January 22 and 23 in booth 811.   Some of the other exciting events that took place at the CRCA tradeshow included presentations about roofing and waterproofing safety and a look at R values for low and steep slope roofing. For more information about the CRCA tradeshow and to see the show’s schedule or to see past presentations, visit the CRCA website.   Following up on February 24-26, you will be able to catch...

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Survive the winter without roof damage

Posted by on January 29, 2015 in Blog | Comments Off on Survive the winter without roof damage

Survive the winter without roof damage

It’s no secret that two key components of roof longevity are regular maintenance and roofing inspections. While winter time is not ideal for roof inspections, detecting roof leaks and roof damage early on will keep the situation from becoming a bigger issue. Some leaks may even be predictable based on the roof’s age and wear. Identifying these areas early on can prevent minor leaks from becoming costly problems.   Identify typical trouble areas. As you inspect your roof, you should pay more attention to areas around flashings and sealants. After a harsh winter storm, you may want to give these areas an extra check to ensure everything looks as it should.   Spend more time inspecting the perimeter of your roof as well. Early...

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GenFlex recognizes top distributors with Above All Program

Posted by on December 23, 2014 in Blog, GenFlex News | Comments Off on GenFlex recognizes top distributors with Above All Program

GenFlex recognizes top distributors with Above All Program

Working hard to support contractors with GenFlex products is an important part of what our distributors accomplish every year. GenFlex has developed a special incentive for those distributors who go above and beyond with their loyalty to the brand.   GenFlex shows its appreciation for its most loyal distributors through the Above All Distributor Loyalty Program. This program is our way of thanking you for the hard work you put in throughout the year.   To become a top 30 GenFlex distributor, three categories are used to determine the number points each distributor has earned. Categories include overall purchases of GenFlex products, ISO purchases and accessory product purchases.   Why not get rewarded for your dedication to...

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Construction industry looking to gain momentum into 2015

Posted by on December 18, 2014 in Blog, Industry Trends | Comments Off on Construction industry looking to gain momentum into 2015

Construction industry looking to gain momentum into 2015

The construction sector has seen steady growth throughout much of 2014, and that is expected to more than double in 2015.   Dodge Data & Analytics has released its 2015 Dodge Construction Outlook, and the report predicts a 9 percent increase for 2015 in construction starts resulting in $612 billion. For perspective year over year, the report expected a 5[kn1]  percent increase for 2014 resulting in $564 billion, according to an article by the National Roofing Contractors Association.   Commercial buildings are anticipated to tie with single-family housing for the top growing sectors in the construction industry, both areas expected to grow 15 percent in dollars.   Going along with the rise in construction starts, the...

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Select the right roofing materials to ensure longevity

Posted by on December 8, 2014 in Blog | Comments Off on Select the right roofing materials to ensure longevity

Select the right roofing materials to ensure longevity

Harsh weather elements, quality of roofing materials and regular maintenance all have an impact on the longevity of your building’s roof. As the cold weather settles in across much of the country, the extreme weather conditions serve as a reminder to why selecting the appropriate roofing material can save you in the long run.   Not all roofing products are made equal. Depending on the climate your region typically deals with, you may need to consider looking for a product that is more conducive to heat reflectivity or that is capable of handling snowy, frigid temperatures.   GenFlex offers a wide range of products to suit your needs ranging from our EPDM line to our TPO selection. Along with our extensive accessory product...

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LEED v4 change pushed out until 2016

Posted by on November 28, 2014 in Blog, Energy | Comments Off on LEED v4 change pushed out until 2016

LEED v4 change pushed out until 2016

The United States Green Building Council (USGBC) has decided to extend the usage of the LEED 2009 rating system until October 31, 2016. Originally, the shift to LEED v4 was set to take place in June 2014 and then extended to 2015, but now LEED 2009 registration will continue on until the second half of 2016.   This extension will allow users more time to prepare for the changes that are bound to come with LEED v4. At the latest Greenbuild conference, a survey indicated that over 60% of recipients are not sure they are ready to pursue LEED v4 certification, according to a Buildings article. Many recipients also felt that more time for preparation would be needed in order to pursue the new certification.   The long-term goal of the...

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Safety is top priority in commercial roofing

Posted by on November 12, 2014 in Blog, Roofing Safety | Comments Off on Safety is top priority in commercial roofing

Safety is top priority in commercial roofing

Safety is a critical priority across the construction industry; in the commercial roofing trade, where installation happens far above the ground, it’s a constant issue.  Investing in safe roofing practices and programs can save lives, keep projects on time, and help contractors avoid costly liabilities.   The GenFlex Roofing Systems slogan, “Above All,” applies to company values like reliability, durability, and customer service – and along with the rest of the industry, GenFlex recognizes that worker safety must be above all other job site priorities.  GenFlex offers textured walkway pads, yellow safety strip and other accessories to make roofing safer; beyond the use of such products, the company encourages its contractor...

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Economic recovery putting many construction workers back to work

Posted by on November 4, 2014 in Blog, Industry Trends | Comments Off on Economic recovery putting many construction workers back to work

Economic recovery putting many construction workers back to work

While the economic recovery has been uneven, the construction industry is bouncing back – and putting construction professionals back to work. The NRCA cites a recent Bureau of Labor Statistics study that the majority of construction workers who lost their jobs during the recession have been rehired within the industry.   Nearly 400,000 skilled construction workers fell victim to the economic downturn; as of January, 62 percent have been re-employed in construction. Of these, 40 percent have seen their income meet or exceed their pre-recession paychecks; on the employer side, most construction companies are willing to keep increasing pay to attract the right employees.   Skilled workers are the backbone of the construction...

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